Orthopaedie Frey Far East Inc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is the "best" time to be fitted with a prosthesis?

A: With proper rehabilitation and wound healing, about 4-6 months after the amputation.

Q: How to prepare a stump for cast measurement?

A: By applying a rigid or elastic compression dressing together with physical therapy

Q: How long will it take to make a prosthesis?

A: From 2-8 weeks with 3 or more visits required.

Q: How much does the prosthesis weigh?

A: BK = 0.9 to 1.35 Kg AK = 2.0 to 4.0 Kg

Q: What is proper bandaging technique?

A: for BK use a single or double length 4-inch wide elastic wrap and apply it stretched to 3/4 of its full stretch length in the pattern oulined below. For AK use double length 6-inch wide elastic wraps at 3/4 of full tension in the pattern outlined below



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